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Your project has been created, please wait for an admin to activate it
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Please enter an email address for the invited user.
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You will be billed monthly for the resources you use. Pricing for individual resources is available under PRICING. Below is a summary of your usage of resources up until now.
Bare-metal: SEK
Public IP: SEK
Kubernetes: SEK
OpenNebula: SEK
S3 buckets: SEK
Total: SEK
Project Settings
Company information
Billing settings
If a monthly budget is set, there will be sent an email notification to the project owner(s) if the budget is exceeded for the month. If the budget is set to "0 SEK", then no email notifications will be sent.
Edit project details
Delete Project
Project Quota
ECC Quota
Bare-Metal Servers | - |
Public IPs | - |
Kubernetes Quota
Cluster: | |
CPU Requested | - |
Memory Limit | - |
Memory Requested | - |
Persistent Volumes | - |
Storage Requested | - |
- | - |
OpenNebula Quota
VMs | 0 |
CPU | 0 |
Memory | 0 GiB |
System disks | 0 GiB |
Public IPs | 0 |
S3 Quota
Number of buckets | - |
Total Bucket Size | - TiB |
Billing details
Experimental Compute Cloud
You only pay for resources reserved. Please note that you should release resources that you are no longer using to avoid unnecessary expenses. Billing is done in the beginning of each month for reserved resources previous month. If you have any questions, please send e-mail to Prices below are excl. VAT.
We provide bare-metal servers and GPU virtual machines through MAAS, a cloud-style automatic provisioning platform led by Canonical. A bare-metal server is a physical server that is not shared between customers.
Type | Cores | RAM | Disk | Price |
OpenCompute Winterfell 32 | 48 | 32.0 GB | 1000.2 GB | 8 SEK per hour |
OpenCompute Winterfell 256 | 48 | 256.0 GB | 1000.2 GB | 13 SEK per hour |
Dell R730 GPU 1080ti | 24 | 256.0 GB | 16600.5 GB | 15 SEK per hour |
Virtual GPU Server 1080ti | 12 | 48.0 GB | 214.7 GB | 4 SEK per hour |
Public IP
By default port forwarded SSH access (RDP for Windows) is included when renting virtual machine or bare-metal server. But it is also possible to assign a public IP address to the server which exposes all ports to the Internet.
Resource | Price |
IP | 0.159 SEK per IP and hour |
Experimental Kubernetes Cluster
Get access to a powerful Kubernetes cluster with GPU resources. You get access to Rancher GUI and API as well as native Kubernetes API. You pay for resources reserved. For instance, if you run a Kubernetes POD for one hour and reserve 2 CPUs, 1 GiB RAM and 3 2080ti GPUs. Then you will pay for exactly that. Even though you may not use 100% of the CPU and all of the allocated RAM etc.
You pay for resources reserved based on POD resources.requests. Billing is done in the beginning of each month for the reserved resources previous month. Prices excl. VAT.
Resource | Price |
CPU | 0.15 SEK per CPU and hour |
Memory | 0.02 SEK per GiB and hour |
Ceph Block NVMe persistent storage | 1.37 SEK per TiB and hour |
CephFS persistent storage | 2.06 SEK per TiB and hour |
Nvidia GTX 1080ti | 1.2 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia GTX 2080ti | 2.4 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia Tesla V100 | 11.99 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia A16 | 4.8 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia H100 94GB | 22.5 SEK per GPU and hour |
S3 Bucket pricing
You pay for resources reserved. For instance if you create a bucket with size 1TB and only use 1GB, you still pay for 1TB. Billing is done in the beginning of each month for reserved resources previous month. Prices excl. VAT.
Resource | Price |
Storage | 0.281 SEK per TiB and hour |
Billing is done at the end of each month for resources used. Prices excl. VAT.
Resource | Price |
CPU | 0.15 SEK per CPU and hour |
Memory | 0.02 SEK per GiB and hour |
Ceph Block HDD persistent storage | 0.35 SEK per TiB and hour |
Ceph Block NVMe persistent storage | 1.37 SEK per TiB and hour |
Local HDD persistent storage | 0.12 SEK per TiB and hour |
Local NVMe persistent storage | 0.69 SEK per TiB and hour |
Public IP | 0.159 SEK per IP and hour |
Submit ticket
Use this form if you have questions or feedback. An email will be sent to your registered address. You can respond to the email to continue the conversation, or use the link below to access the helpdesk.
This page shows the current status of the ICE Connect services.
Status | Name | Info |
Name | Free servers |
Status | Hostname | CPU free | MEM free | GPU free | GPU type |
Free storage | Read throughput | Write throughput | Read IOPS | Write IOPS |
Total OSDs | Up | In | Down | Out |
Status | Type | Message |
Status | Component |
Incident History
Status | Time Ago | Service | Message |
Experimental Kubernetes Cluster
You got access to a Kubernetes cluster with GPU resources. Use the button below to open Rancher GUI. When logged into Rancher you can download the "kubeconfig"-file that will give you access to the Kubernetes native API.
You pay for resources reserved. The data is updated hourly. For instance, if you run a Kubernetes POD for one hour and reserve 2 CPUs, 1 GiB RAM, and 3 2080ti GPUs. Then you will pay for exactly that. Even though you may not use 100% of the CPU and all of the allocated RAM etc. A summary of historically reserved Kubernetes resources is found on the project page. Instant usage is available within Rancher GUI.
When you create a namespace, you need to use your namespace prefix below. For instance "-default". Also, note that you have to set the namespace quotas. The sum of all namespace quotas can't exceed the project quota. Your project quota you can find in ICE Connect GUI and in the Rancher GUI.
Rancher URL: | |
Rancher project: | |
Namespace prefix: | - |
Rancher GUI
Experimental Kubernetes Cluster
Get access to a powerful Kubernetes cluster with GPU resources. You get access to Rancher GUI and API as well as native Kubernetes API. You pay for resources reserved. For instance, if you run a Kubernetes POD for one hour and reserve 2 CPUs, 1 GiB RAM and 3 2080ti GPUs. Then you will pay for exactly that. Even though you may not use 100% of the CPU and all of the allocated RAM etc.
You pay for resources reserved based on POD resources.requests. Billing is done in the beginning of each month for the reserved resources previous month. Prices excl. VAT.
Resource | Price |
CPU | 0.15 SEK per CPU and hour |
Memory | 0.02 SEK per GiB and hour |
Ceph Block NVMe persistent storage | 1.37 SEK per TiB and hour |
CephFS persistent storage | 2.06 SEK per TiB and hour |
Nvidia GTX 1080ti | 1.2 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia GTX 2080ti | 2.4 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia Tesla V100 | 11.99 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia A16 | 4.8 SEK per GPU and hour |
Nvidia H100 94GB | 22.5 SEK per GPU and hour |
S3 Buckets
ICE S3 is an object storage service powered by our Ceph cluster. Here you can manage your S3 storage buckets.
Name | Usage | Size | Actions |
S3 Keys
Manage your S3 access keys. All key pairs can be used to access all buckets in the project.
Name | Permissions | Access key | Secret key | Actions |
******************** | **************************************** |
S3 Bucket pricing
Billing is done at the end of each month for resources used. Prices excl. VAT.
Resource | Price |
Storage | [object Object] SEK per TiB and hour |
Create Bucket
Resize bucket:
Delete Bucket
Add Key
Edit Key
Delete Key
Export AWS
Paste into ~/.aws/credentials to use aws --profile key-name.
Virtual GPU Servers
No Virtual GPU servers deployed
Name | Status | IP Address | Information | Actions |
Deploy Server
Please select a server type
Type | Cores | RAM | Disk | Price | Available |
Select operating system
A server will be picked from the pool of available servers of the given type.
GB | TB | SEK/hour |
Virtual GPU Servers
SSH access
The server is by default reachable from the public internet. No need to associate public IP for SSH to work. The SSH IP and port information is found in the "Info" dropdown for your server. The private SSH key that you use to access your server instances you can download from the Security tab. Download the file and save it: private-ssh-key.pem.Linux:
- Change permissions on file (only needs to be done once)
> chmod 400 private-ssh-key.pem
- SSH to your server:
> ssh -i private-ssh-key.pem -p [ssh_port] [username]@[ssh_ip]
Windows (putty):
- Convert the pem-file to putty format using puttygen.exe which you can download from here.
- Start puttygen, load private-ssh-key.pem by clicking "Load"-button. Save the file in putty format using "Save private key"-button.
- In putty configuration set:
Host Name: [username]@[ssh_ip] Port: [ssh_port] Connection->SSH->Auth you click "Private key file for authentication" and choose the file you saved in step 2.
Save your putty session and click Open!
[ssh_ip]: found in "info" dropdown for server [ssh_port]: found in "info" dropdown for server [username]: same as "OS" in "info" dropdown (i.e: "ubuntu" if OS is ubuntu or "centos" if OS is centos)
Network topology
Following network map shows servers for two different users (User 1 and User 2) owning both virtual and bare-metal servers.Delete Instance
Associate public IP
Remove public IP
Enter rescue mode
Exit rescue mode
Power on server
Power off server
Bare-Metal Servers
No bare-metal machines deployed
Name | Status | IP Address | Information | Actions |
Deploy Server
Please select a server type
Type | Cores | RAM | Disk | Price | Available |
Select operating system
A server will be picked from the pool of available servers of the given type.
GB | TB | SEK/hour |
SSH access
The server is by default reachable from the public internet. No need to associate public IP for SSH to work. The SSH IP and port information is found in the "Info" dropdown for your server. The private SSH key that you use to access your server instances you can download from the Security tab. Download the file and save it: private-ssh-key.pem.Linux:
- Change permissions on file (only needs to be done once)
> chmod 400 private-ssh-key.pem
- SSH to your server:
> ssh -i private-ssh-key.pem -p [ssh_port] [username]@[ssh_ip]
Windows (putty):
- Convert the pem-file to putty format using puttygen.exe which you can download from here.
- Start puttygen, load private-ssh-key.pem by clicking "Load"-button. Save the file in putty format using "Save private key"-button.
- In putty configuration set:
Host Name: [username]@[ssh_ip] Port: [ssh_port] Connection->SSH->Auth you click "Private key file for authentication" and choose the file you saved in step 2.
Save your putty session and click Open!
[ssh_ip]: found in "info" dropdown for server [ssh_port]: found in "info" dropdown for server [username]: same as "OS" in "info" dropdown (i.e: "ubuntu" if OS is ubuntu or "centos" if OS is centos)
Network topology
Following network map shows servers for two different users (User 1 and User 2) owning both virtual and bare-metal servers.Delete Instance
Associate public IP
Remove public IP
Enter rescue mode
Exit rescue mode
Power on server
Power off server
ICE ECC uses public-key cryptography to encrypt communication with your server instances.
You can download your private key here, which can be used to access your instances through SSH.
Note that you must enable SSH access for an instance to make it available from the public Internet.
Download Private Key
Experimental Compute Cloud
Billing is done at the end of each month for resources used. An invoice is sent to you. If you have any questions, please send e-mail to Prices below are excl. VAT.
We provide bare-metal servers and GPU virtual machines through MAAS, a cloud-style automatic provisioning platform led by Canonical. A bare-metal server is a physical server that is not shared between customers.
Type | Cores | RAM | Disk | Price |
OpenCompute Winterfell 32 | 48 | 32.0 GB | 1000.2 GB | 8 SEK per hour |
OpenCompute Winterfell 256 | 48 | 256.0 GB | 1000.2 GB | 13 SEK per hour |
Dell R730 GPU 1080ti | 24 | 256.0 GB | 16600.5 GB | 15 SEK per hour |
Virtual GPU Server 1080ti | 12 | 48.0 GB | 214.7 GB | 4 SEK per hour |
Public IP
By default port forwarded ssh access (RDP for Windows) is included when renting a server. But it is also possible to assign a public IP address to the server which exposes all ports to the Internet.
Resource | Price |
IP | 0.159 SEK per IP and hour |
OpenNebula is an open-source cloud computing platform that manages heterogeneous data center, public cloud, and edge computing infrastructure resources.
OpenNebula orchestrates storage, network, virtualization, monitoring, and security technologies to deploy multi-tier services (e.g. compute clusters) as virtual machines on distributed infrastructures, combining both data center resources and remote edge resources, according to allocation policies.
We have tried to give you access to as many native OpenNebula features and configuration options as possible. This also means that the service is more complex to use. We recommend that you read our documentation to help you get started.
New FireEdge GUI for normal usage
OpenNebula FireEdge GUILegacy Sunstone GUI for advanced usage
OpenNebula Legacy GUIOpenNebula
Billing is done at the end of each month for resources used. Prices excl. VAT.
Resource | Price |
CPU | 0.15 SEK per CPU and hour |
Memory | 0.02 SEK per GiB and hour |
Ceph Block HDD persistent storage | 0.35 SEK per TiB and hour |
Ceph Block NVMe persistent storage | 1.37 SEK per TiB and hour |
Local HDD persistent storage | 0.12 SEK per TiB and hour |
Local NVMe persistent storage | 0.69 SEK per TiB and hour |
Public IP | 0.159 SEK per IP and hour |